Travel can be stressful, but add a baby/kid into the mix… yikes! Having a child in-tow (especially a baby) makes for even more variables we have to plan for! But, I never want you to miss out on any experience just because you are afraid to mess with your child’s schedule or routine. They CAN be flexible! Here are my best tips for traveling:
- Leave early: Whether you are flying or driving, if the trip will take more than a few hours… leave EARLY. Book that early morning flight or plan to hit the road in your car first thing in the morning! This will give you more time to get your child adjusted to your new location and (if needed) get them to bed early after a long travel day!
- Let go of the schedule: If you try to keep baby on their nap schedule on a travel day, you will fail… So, let them nap whenever and however they want to. And, if they don’t nap at all?? That’s ok too! Again, use that trick card of an early bedtime when you arrive at your destination so they can start fresh the next day!
- Pack all the snacks and screens: Buy those special snacks you don’t ever keep in the house and download a million things on their tablets/your phone to keep them entertained! One day of breaking the rules will not hurt them, and I promise you it will make your travel day easier! Go to the Dollar Tree or the dollar section of Target and get little activities and toys that are brand new and pull one out at a time while you travel. I’ve linked some of our favorite travel toys below!

4. Set up their sleep space first: The first thing you do when you get there? Establish where they will be sleeping and set up the travel crib with the Slumberpod on top. (if you don’t already own a Slumberpod, I linked it here and use my code EZSLEEP for a discount!) Next, plug in the sound machine and set up the monitor (a cheap audio monitor is all you need!) Get the space all ready so that when bed time comes, there will be less stress for everyone! Bring as many familiar things from home to cue their brain for sleep. If they have a favorite blanket, stuffed animal etc, bring it along! Let them play around in their new sleep space/room and get accustomed to it. Read a book in there or play a game of peek-a-boo, and then leave the room and start your vacation!
5. Use my packing list: You know that feeling of “I know if forgot something” at 3 am the night before a trip? Well, you can sleep easy my friends, because I created the ultimate packing list for traveling with a baby or toddler! Click here to get it!
Above all, if you do not already have a good independent sleeper, let’s fix that TODAY so that your trip will be a restful one! Reach out and let’s get started!
Happy travels!! You got this!